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Beschreibung / La Bocca Della Verita Perorin Hard
Bist du auf der Suche nach einem Blowjob Sextoy, das dir ein außergewöhnliches Erlebnis bietet? Dann solltest du unbedingt die Neuauflage von Magic Eye's beliebtem Bocca Della Verita Perorin (auch bekannt als Mund der Wahrheit Perorin oder Pelolin) ausprobieren. Dieses Toy überzeugt mit dem gleichen verlockenden Design, sowohl innen als auch außen, wurde jedoch überarbeitet, um noch enger und befriedigender zu sein – dank der verbesserten Materialien.
Ein japanisches Blowjob Sextoy: Was macht es so besonders?
Magic Eye's hat langjährige Erfahrung in der Herstellung von Sextoys für Männer, und die Qualität des Bocca Della Verita Perorin ist der beste Beweis dafür. Das Material fühlt sich angenehm an, klebt nicht und verströmt keinen unangenehmen Geruch, wie es bei minderwertigen Toys oft der Fall ist. Mit einer Länge von 14,5 cm und einem Gewicht von 430 Gramm liegt das Bocca perfekt in einer Hand und bietet dir ein komfortables und intensives Erlebnis.
Das Perorin: Ein Blowjob Sextoy mit aufregenden Details
Ein besonderes Highlight des Perorin (oder Pelolin) ist die freche Zungenspitze, die leicht zwischen den Lippen hervorlugt. Drückst du ihre Wangen, öffnet sie ihre Lippen, bereit, dich tief zu verschlucken. Doch selbst wenn du es langsam angehst und die Zunge sanft über deinen Schaft gleiten lässt, ist das Gefühl äußerst befriedigend.
Wenn du genug von der verspielten Zunge hast, kannst du tiefer eindringen und die vielfältigen Texturen des Onaholes um dich herum spüren. Im vorderen Teil des Tunnels wirst du zwischen der weichen Zunge auf der einen und den simulierten Gaumenrändern auf der anderen Seite eingefasst. Dabei sorgen die Zähne für ein zusätzliches realistisches Erlebnis. Keine Sorge, die Zähne sind nicht so hart wie echte und kratzen daher nicht unangenehm.
Deepthroat-Erfahrung: Intensiv und realistisch
Gehst du tiefer, erlebst du eine intensive Deepthroat-Simulation. Der Tunnel verengt sich, und du spürst das Gaumenzäpfchen als kleine Beule, gefolgt von den engen Falten der Kehle, die dich fest umschließen. Am hinteren Ende des Tunnels schnürt sich die Kehle zu einem besonders engen Punkt zusammen, was die Stimulation intensiviert und es dir schwer machen wird, lange durchzuhalten.
Dieses durchdachte Design macht das Bocca Della Verita Perorin zu einem unvergleichlichen Blowjob-Sextoy, das dir ein realitätsnahes und aufregendes Erlebnis bietet, das du nicht so schnell vergessen wirst.

Prior Knowledge: I used the NUPU Onahole (Both Vaginal and Blowjob Type) before and Notice the Difference with the Softness - this one is way Tighter since the TPE is Harder and feels way different.
As Described, the TPE feels different and more Hard than your Usual TPE. Texturewise it also feels "different".
The Package is a Nice Chest which has some Elegance and "Luxury" Feeling to it, instead of just a Cardboard Box.
The Onahole is not in a Plastic Bag but instead put in a somewhat Hard Plastic Chest within the Cardboard Main Chest.
The Tongue is very Soft and Arousing if used since it really looks like youre getting a Blowjob (Feelwise I didnt notice anything) Though its nice to play around with it.
Since the TPE is Harder than Usual, entering the Throat might be very Hard as its pretty Tight. Use Enough Lube.
The Teeth are very Sturdy and you will feel them - I wouldnt suggest this as a Beginner Onahole because of that.
The Onahole Inside is very Detailed and has some nice Tight Spots, giving you just the Right Sensations
Positive Points would be the Quality of the TPE, the Detail, a Free Sample of Lube aswell as the Package having some Elegance to it. It also fits nicely in your Hand to grab.
Negative Points would be that, even if just slightly, has a certain Smell and Feel to it... like some kind of Plastic "Clay" Not directly something Bad but noticeable.
Since its Harder, it isnt as Oily as other TPE but also not as little as Silicone Toy - Oilywise somewhere between the Two
Overall its a Nice Onahole and for 50 Euros its a Nice Purchase. Would Recommend.
Mein erstes Blowjobtool war die NUPU 3 Sujiman Onahole. Nur begann das Ding nach einigen Benutzungen und Pflege mit Puder stark an Fussel anzuziehen. Nach dem Reinigen ist das dumme Ding erst recht fusselig. Das ist mir mit noch keinem anderen Produkt passiert. Die La Bocca Della Verita Perorin hat das Problem überhaupt nicht, da das Material aus viel besserer Qualität zu bestehen scheint!
Die La Bocca Della Verita Perorinist wirklich eines der besten Blowjob Masturbatoren, die man haben kann!
Anyways, this Onahole has earned its fame, as all versions of the La Bocca Della Verita probably do. It's not very deep but tight in just the right places, penetrating the hole after the tongue does a good job emulating the entrance of a throat. The tongue while good looking isn't very noticeable though, sadly. Being the harder version should also make it more durable. I haven't tried the soft version, and probably never will, but if you want a nice and tight deepthroat experience, you can't go wrong with this sleeve. If you're looking for a more sloppy blowjob like experience, you're probably better off with the soft version. Not an Onahole to edge with because this will bring you faster to the edge than you might expect.
All in all i can only recommend this Onahole.
Kritik: Hauptstimulation kommt von den Zähnen und dem aktiven Zusammendrücken des Mastubators um die Stimulation zu perfektionieren würde ich vorschlagen den Gang mehr zu mustern und die Zunge aus härterem Material anzufertigen, da diese leider sehr unauffällig bei der Nutzung ist.
Zusammenfassung: empfehlenswert, hohe Haltbarkeit, stimulierend. ungeeignet für: Männer die sehr sensibel sind, ein sanfteres Material bevorzugen oder Piercings haben.
Weitere Informationen
# of holes | 1 |
Produktgewicht | 430,00 g |
Reusable | Is reusable |
Theme | Anime |
Tunnel length | 135,00 mm |
Open/Closed | Closed |
Number of layers | 2 |
International Reviews
And even Though it's considered the best blowjob Toy, I can say for sure that the Perorin Hard Version is definitely standing by its side !
The feeling is out of this world. The tongue, the bumps, the hardness and the teeth? It's a perfect 10/10. By far and beyond my favorite Blowjob toy !
But even then, this managed to satisfy everything I wanted from it and even more. The tunnel (especially the throat) is THIGHT, the teeth are teasingly pleasing and the tongue also pokes and teases the base when you deepthroat it. This is a very high quality product and with also a good quality box where you can stock it when not in use.
The only small gripe I might have with this onahole is maybe the cleaning, but this might be the case for a lot of BJ onahole: the cleaning is more of a chore compared to typical vagina onaholes due to the mouth and all its crevices, but the tongue adds some more complexity to it. But in the end it's not that hard, just grab a towel or a towel stick and dry the mouth, and then use a drying stick for the tunnel.
To conclude, this is a great recommandation for a BJ onahole, the teeth might be a little hard but they add to the experience
(PS: get yourself the Mouth of Truth lube from Magic Eyes, it mimics saliva pretty well which makes this onahole even better)
J’avais envie de tester un masturbateur en forme de bouche, le coté dent m’a fait de l’œil et cela me procure quelques sensations supplémentaires.
Matériau de qualité ! "La Bocca Della Verita Perorin" est vraiment l'un des meilleurs masturbateurs hard !
Je recommande !
First one being Lolinco Virgo, I was looking for an blowjob one with which I could get a deepthroat experience, as I was lucky enough to experience it in real life once and keep an unforgettable memory of it.
Material : the harder material from Magic Eyes is just right for this application and is a nice variation from the standard one. Perfect to mimic the tougher feeling of a girl's palate and throat compared to a vaginal ona, for which it might be too hard to be realistic. I just noticed that it had some small downsides ; this harder material is a bit more smelly (smell may get away with time tho) and is -more surprisingly- more sticky when washed but not yet re-powdered. Once powdered, no problem.
Teeth : OK for me. Sometimes I find the top teeth just a bit uncomfortable, sometimes not. If they bother me, using the toy upside down just gets rid of the harshness for some reason. However, I've got the impression that they would be to only problem regarding durability, because of how they are attached to the inner layer. Would'nt be surprised of they came off by their own after 1 or 2 months of use. Also be sure to clean well around the teeth as some moisture could get trapped here untoticed.
Feeling : the first 3 or 4 uses were actually not that great. I used to toy sitting on my back, the mouth being in the "normal" position, nose up tongue down. In this position the teeth were a bit annoying sometimes, so I used the toy flipped upside-down (69 style) while still being on my back. Helped with the teeth but still had two problems : the rather thin "bocca della verita" saliva-like lube kept flowing down because of gravity, making a mess on my pubic hair and needing me to refill very often, and the overall fact that I had to use the toy by stroking it with my hand didn't feel natural for a blowjob. I don't mind this with heavier vaginal toys because due to material thickness I can't feel my hands and can pretend beig riden cowgirl-style, but with blowjob type onas this just doesn't trick your brain enough.
Ended up finding 2 adequates firm pillows, making a "mouth of truth sandwich" with them, placing it upside down at the edge of the bed and fucking it while standing. And that definitely worked the best ! Then my brain was finally tricked into thinking I was being given an upside-down deepthroat, which is mind-blowing !
If there was just one improvement to be made, for a even more realistic feeling, I think I would like the mouth part on the tunnel just one more inch deeper before the beginning of the throat part, so you could pretend to be receiving a normal blowjob by making small strokes in this part, and then go for the throat when you can't hold back anymore. With the mouth part as it it, it's just deep enough so your tip sits there, but you can't really move backward without going past the teeth, neither move forward without going in the throat
Cleaning is fairly simple, being given that I already purchased the adequate tools (onahole shower, lint-free microfiber cloth, drying sticks and maintenance powder) with my Virgo. Just be sure to check around the base of the teeth as well and you'll be good.
Voilà j'avais déjà essayé des masturbateurs . Le game est au dessus . Des sensations très agréables avec le lubrifiant du même nom . Trop agréable après mon premier essai j'ai eu un moment d'hebetement et j'y ai pensé toute la journée suivante avec une seule hâte recommencer.
Maintenant pour être plus précis la langue est super bien faite , les dents sont un peu durs par rapport à des masturbateurs types bouches. Mais c'est exactement ce qu'il faut !!!!
La longueur est peut être courte mais je crois que l'objectif est de clairement aller dans le fond. Je crois que j'aurais aimé encore plus de résistance. Mais je crois que je suis trop exigeant sur quelque chose qui est au top dans son domaines .
Par contre ne prenez que le lubrifiant du même nom qui augmente considérablement l'excitation ( vous pouvez me faire confiance !!!)
Et un gros pouce vers le haut pour le SAV qui a su se mobiliser très vite suite à un défaut lors de ma première commande.
For me, the onahole is to tight, and thus the feeling is to rough, seeing as its hard, it does not stretch much and thus is not really pleasureable to use.